Versatile Blogger Award

OK, let’s get this one done already. Thanks to Shelley Dupont for nominating my blog for the Versatile Blogger Award back in January.

The Versatile Blogger Award is a sort of peer appreciation tag that roams the blogosphere. Its aims to strengthen the connectivity between blogs and gives opportunity to promote fellow bloggers by presenting their blogs to one’s own audience. The nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award is the award, and it comes with a set of tasks:

Versatile Blogger Award rules

  1. Thank the person who nominated you
  2. Nominate 15 (!) bloggers, whose blogs you enjoy to read and notify them
  3. Post the Versatile Blogger Award image in your acceptance post
  4. Tell seven things about yourself

Versatile Blogger award
The 15 nominations

Criteria: I like when people study a corner of the world passionately and systematically and communicate what they find out. I like introspection when it conveys some sort of systematic, useful understanding.  I enjoy reading blogs that are analytical and provide a unique perspective; which shows critical thinking, creativity, responsiveness, social responsibility, meaning-seeking and reflect a process of development … but not necessarily all this combined.

Themes: psychology, sociology, culture and social development, female ‘aspie’ life perspectives,virtual communication, evolution and animal behaviour (dogs, mainly).

I enjoy reading more blogs than the 15 nominated here. The number order is not a ranking in any way, it is just a way to count to 15. My nominations are:

1. A Quiet Week in the House

I have enjoyed reading Lori’s lovely imaginative writing style for a long time. It is a bit hard to describe the style but poetic, insightful, visual and accurate sounds about right. Lori writes  about her life and family as she deals with Asperger’s and the (often hilarious) challenges & themes her autistic son Tyoma’s developmental journey imposes on family life.  Like here:

She illustrates her posts with her unique artistic collages:


by LoriA Quiet Week in the House

A Quiet Week in the House has been around since 2005, and I can warmly recommend the archives… there are many verbal & visual pearls to find.

Sample of old post:

Six months after our purchase, new houses began erupting around us at an alarming rate. So much for believing realtors. The bulldozers began clearing the chaparral scrub directly behind us two months ago. I was devastated. From the sunroom, I witnessed the dozers caroming about, belching black smoke and stirring up clouds of opaque dust that left my skin feeling gritty.

BulldozersA Quiet Week in the House, August 2005

Another good starting point: Selected Posts.

2. I Am Not Dr Who

Pete is, according to himself, ‘a bearded geek, and audio warlock behind the Squadron of Shame SquadCast’, ‘an English gentleman, social media addict, pogonophile, gamer and blogger’*. His passions are video games, music, Internet stuff and ‘the act of writing itself’, with video games being the core theme.

Pete is a super versatile blogger… He illustrates I Am Not Dr Who with his home made cartoon strips, and you can also hear him play piano or read his fiction project The Wasteland Diaries on his blog. You can even ask him a question about anything. (anything?)

Posts that are not about video games (which are the ones I read) reflect about e.g. technology and social mediaInternet history, writing, life organisation and psychological stuff. Whatever Pete writes has integrity and is engaging, well researched and/or based on his extensive personal knowledge.

3. Many Fandoms, One Love

Many Fandoms, One Love is a funny, philosophical & quirky study of fandom culture. While fandom (such as Legend of the Seeker) is the core theme, it is also a sociological lens for looking into movies, social research, academia, social skills, US politics and other aspects of Western culture.

Gavin has a wild vocabulary and elaborate insight in movies, music, books, epic fantasy worlds (and their heroes), and other cultural creations. She has a background in health research and has studied political economy and system dynamics; and the blog’s tone is a blend of scientific rigour and light-hearted playfulness. My favourite posts include Man vs NatureKeep’n it real: efficiency after graduation and All for one and one for all.


4. The Underground Railroad

Erin Thomas of The Underground Railroad writes an honest, intelligent and passionate Christian blog dedicated to the combat of what she refers to as modern slave trade (e.g. human trafficking) and more generally, for social justice and against cultural misconceptions and rigidity she observes outside of and within Christian circles.

She isn’t the kind of Christian who drifts in the wind and uncritically absorb religious traditions and call them Faith; she is inquisitive, truth-seeking and eager  to sort through cultural veils & wars to extract core messages. Here is a taste:

Erin does presentations, speaking engagements and education to church groups, non-profit groups, students, teachers and other community groups (The Underground railroad: about the author).

5. Aspects of Aspergers

Aspects of Aspergers was one of the first ‘female aspie’ blogs I read thoroughly  after for some time search engine paths had landed me on aspie forum threads and blogs during my hunt for information about noise sensitivity. The posts A night out in town and Strategies for dealing with sensory overload mirrored my own issues with sensory overload with surprising accuracy and inspired me to write about the issues myself.

I also decided to reorient my blog theme and put my personal context in centre, after I experienced how helpful it can be to read about other’s personal experiences.

Gavin conveys the aspects in an easy and systematic way; she has a passion for language, has studied English literature and writes well. The blog is not so active anymore, but that doesn’t really matter; the archives have many great posts.

Although I have since come across many good blogs about the same theme, I haven’t forgotten how helpful it was to find this one.

6. Aspergirl Maybe

AM’s blog is an introspective psychological journey that starts with a quest:

I am on a journey to find out who I really am and what that means to me. Asperger’s may be a part of that, but I am not sure at this point.

Aspergirl Maybe – about

The blog follows Rudy Simone’s book Aspergirls as AM reads through the chapters and relates what she reads to her life and history. The journey starts in December 2010 with the ‘Maybe’ answered in November 2011.

AM writes well and insightfully, and her posts are short and easy to read. The blog is still going strong albeit not so active anymore; that doesn’t really matter, because its strength is its journey-format and introspective reflections.

7. The Third Glance

E is a young autistic PhD student who studies her favourite subject (which sounds like it could be something interesting within the fields of natural/environmental sciences, but that is not the point anyway).

She writes about her personal experiences as an autistic woman in academia coping with expectations and situations she encounters, and with her history, and she writes very well. Each of her posts is an insightful, long and well organised essay about one of these aspects.

The name-explaining post The Third Glance is one of my favourites. It beautifully sums up the blog’s mission and E’s fundamental situation.

  1. The first glance is the one where she passes for normal
  2. The second glance is the closer look where she does not pass for normal, and some people turn away
  3. The third glance is the even closer look that reveals that although she doesn’t pass for normal, she is precisely the way she is supposed to be and well worth knowing. The third glance requires acceptance of diversity

The Third Glance


But then there’s the third glance, the one that most people never bother to take, but it is the most important one, the one that captivates you, and turns that fleeting glance into a good long look. I am the person I am today, because there are a few people who took that third glance. And they saw a compassionate, excited, quirky, passionate person. They saw someone who is brutally honest, exceptionally aware of her surroundings, keenly observant, meticulous, interesting and fiercely passionate: someone who is worthwhile, and who will be a loyal friend, if you give her the chance. They saw a person, because they took the time to really truly see.

E on the The Third Glance.

Posts I’m most proud of‘ seems like a good place to start, but all her posts are good, and the archives are well worth a full read through.

8. Andrea’s Buzzing About

Andrea presents herself as:

An “insect psychologist” examines human behaviour, science, education, and disability rights, from personal and social theory perspectives and points inbetween.

What I like about her blog is her analytical mindset and keen observation of ‘normal’ (silly) human behaviour, conveyed through good well organised writing.

Many of my favourite posts are about her job in a grocery store, where she, at first glance, puts stuff on shelves, assists customers and earns her wages. What’s great about that job – for her readers, is the funny & insightful posts that come out of the shoppers’ irrational purchasing behaviour when examined by Andrea’s observing & logical mind. Here are a few examples:

Andrea navigates an heavy amount of health issues & neurobiological disorders – such as Auditory Processing Disorder, face blindness, hypermobility and AHDH but holds down several jobs and writes insightfully about how she works around her disabilities at work and other aspects of daily life.

The blog has been around since 2008 and is well organised, and the archives have many good posts and are easy to navigate from the tag cloud.

9. Thoughts on Thoughts

Janet K. Kwasniak reflects insightfully about consciousness (humans’, animals’) in her bio-philosophical (yes … that is a brand new word) research blog Thoughts on Thoughts.  From her background in biology and passionate interest in consciousness, she writes about human brain architecture, sensory perception, animal consciousness, and anthropomorphism, definition of consciousness and other mind-related topics. A handful of my favourite posts:

  • Decisions. The brain’s model of the world is not the world.
  • Do grandmother cells fly? Biological idea storage capacity of the brain.
  • Those doggy-people. How anthropomorphism can be pretty good, after all
  • Uniqueness. Why the tireless search for ‘the’ qualitative difference between humans and animals is bad science.

Separating how we think about humans and other animals is like separating how we think about rivers and the Nile. It is not an efficient way to understand the Nile and it robs effort from understanding rivers in general. The only way this sort of thing happens if we start with “the Nile is not a river”, “don’t use concepts that describe the Nile for any other river (nilomorphism to coin a word)” or “it belittles the Great Nile to say it behaves like other rivers”. […]

We will sink down to playing semantic games – trying to define Nile so other rivers are not included and trying to define river so that it includes them all except for the Nile. In the same way, dividing man from other animals is also artificial – not the way science should be done.

Janet K Kwasniak in Thoughts on Thoughts: Uniqueness

10. Evo Anth

Evo Anth is a thorough, interesting and well illustrated research blog about human evolution and technology, archaic humanoids, science misrepresentation and similar topics. The author is Adam Benton, an undergrad student of Evolutionary Anthropology (~ Evo Anth), who presents the theme as follows:

People often refer to this as “Biological Anthropology” – the study of human biology and associated evolutionary changes – but in reality that is only one aspect of evolutionary anthropology. It also studies our technology, behaviour, beliefs and any other aspect of humanity which has been influenced by our evolutionary heritage.

Adam Benton on Evo Anth: About

(The blog is US based I presume, since it appears fairly entangled in self-defence against religious pseudo-science, presumably due to the massive political power of the so called ‘creationist’ ideas over there. I prefer to ignore the controversy).

11. AnimalWise

AnimalWise is a research blog about animal cognition. It is penned by science writer Paul F Norris who I unfortunately not have been able to find much information about (the ‘about’ section is pretty useless). The articles are excellent: thorough, well written, well structured, well referenced, informative and tongue-in-cheek-like cool. Some of my favourites:


Mr Norris subtitled this photo ‘Proof of convergent canine-human evolution’ 

12. The Unexamined Dog

The Unexamined Dog – Unnerving the rainbow of pseudo-science in the dog world is written by Emily Douglas, a teacher and owner of 4 Pit Bull type dogs, who sees a parallel between the competency many people think they automatically have for teaching, and the competency many people think they automatically have for pet ownership.

What I find fascinating about the field of education, specifically the practice of teaching, and that of dog ownership and training, is the degree to which people presume their familiarity and simplicity.  I know of no two other arenas in which the average person assumes such complete expertise and authority, grounded in almost zero experience or knowledge.

The Nature of the Beast (The Unexamined Dog)

Emily writes and post photos about her  Therapy Dog/s at work, everyday doggy antics at home, breed stereotyping and bad dog training, education, dog behaviour and human projections. Posts I find inspiring:

13. Cool Infographics

Data visualisation: I love to understand something in an instant by seeing the logic and follow about 12 data visualisation blogs of different sorts. Cool Infographics is one of the best. Randy Crum, who presents himself as:

President of InfoNewt. Data Visualization, Infographic Design, Visual Thinking, Product Development and Marketing professional fascinated by good infographics.  Always looking for better ways to get the point across.

Randy Crum on Cool Infographics

and his team finds and reblogs visually impressive, informative and fascinating  infographics such as this one that gives an overview over the effects of ‘the greatest human and digital viruses of all time'(red: image gone).


The blog has excellent social media integration, especially useful with Pinterest; which gives easy access to high quality uploads of all the blogged Infographics to the readers.

14. Clarence Ceniza

Clarence writes a smart & informative blog about his experiences with culture and media communication, social media, technology and travelling. He is also a talented hobby photographer, and I’ll link to his photography portfolio when I find it again. His posts are a mix of longer reflective posts, and tumblr-style quick sharing. Posts I’ve found particularly informative (including comment tracks):

I haven’t read through his archives but I think they’d be interesting because Clarence is culturally curious and has travelled/migrated around the globe. He is originally from the Philippines, has lived in Singapore, travelled in Europe, and now lives in Holland.


Catvertising: The Next Frontier in Marketing

15. Ekostories

Ekostories is Isaac Yuen’s visually and verbally beautiful collection of thoughts on humanity and our relationship with planet Earth. Isaac’s background is within environmental biology and education,  but the blog is about culture – stories, art and sociological change.

Ekostories is intended to look at the many interesting stories, anecdotes, parables, tales, and myths that have influenced my own thinking around the connections humans have with the earth. They come from a diverse range of sources, ranging from novels, films, childrens’ books, and television, to games, biographies, short stories, and documentaries. They could be prominent environmental works, or they could be things that have very little to do with environmental thinking outside of my own mind.

Stories can be grand and epic narratives that guide the thoughts and actions of entire societies and cultures. […] Stories have the ability to break down walls, to get us to care, to make us think differently, and in so doing, to ignite the fires of change.

Ekostories: Introduction

The content is mainly review of movies, meanings, books, videogames and other cultural creations that convey an ‘Ekostory’. All this may sound slightly tree-hugging, but the posts are thoughtful, long, consistently well organised essays which are a delight to read. Some of my favourites:

I haven’t read any of the books the above reviews are about, but they are on my list now. Just hear this quote from ‘A Wizard of Earthsea’:

“Only in silence the word,

only in dark the light,

only in dying life:

bright the hawk’s flight

on the empty sky.”

– The Creation of Ea

(A Wizard of Earthsea

by Ursula K. Le Guin, p. 1)

Jörg-Müller The Changing Countryside - May 1953
Jörg Müller‘s The Changing Countryside, reblogged from Ekostories


7 things about me:

1. Why I like dogs

My favourite species of animals is dog (I think… haven’t met them all). I find their co-evolution, social abilities and strange position as adoptees in human families intriguing. Also, it improves my quality of life to share my life with dogs. They are calming, friendly and fun to have around, and they get my feet down on the ground, metaphorically… They lure me away from my computer and open my eyes to critical matters such as walks, play, feeding times and squirrels.

2. Experience with pigs, cows and pets

I minded between 300 and 2000 pigs at a time for about 6 – 7 years, and during that time became fairly familiar with pig behaviour and animal welfare management in conventional as well as free range piggeries. So if you are seeking (outdated?) knowledge about pig behaviour and pig production in a Scandinavian context, please feel free to ask me.

I’ve also minded dairy cows, had a variety of pets: guinea pigs (many), cats, rabbit, turtle, budgies, rats; and been a fanatic horse-girl.

3. Overcoming fear of horses

As a kid I used to be afraid of horses, especially the one I rode every Monday evening in the riding school (a murderous, kid-hating spotted pony named ‘Black Eagle’). However, I never occurred to me to quit riding, and eventually horse-fandom beat horse-fear.

Over time I made it my speciality to ride volatile little ponies that no one else wanted to ride in local riding schools, and I developed a taste for riding bare-back. I’ve only ever been injured once despite falling off numerous times.

Unfortunately horse riding is prohibitively expensive, so I’ve rarely been riding as an adult. Also, it seems that bare-back riding is generally not allowed on Australian trail riding schools for insurance reasons.

4. The music in my life

I enjoy to sing, especially in a microphone as part of a small team of singers. I sing in our Church’s worship band, and my husband plays the bass. I can also play guitar and piano at basic level but rarely do (I hope to change that). I love to listen to music and to create rhythm loop collages in my music software app.

My family is quite musically inclined. My oldest little brother was a professional studio guitarist for many years and released his first solo album (instrumental) a few years ago. My mother plays piano in a cafe once a week (if she still does), my dad can play accordion and piano, he says, and my youngest brother plays keyboard in a band. Most of my close relatives can play at least one musical instrument and often play live music at family events such as Christmas Eve (I rarely attend family events, but find the principle charming anyway).

6. Physical recreation

Sports and physical recreational activities I’ve been doing in my life time include horse riding, Judo, modern ballet, classical ballet, belly dancing, acrobatics, kick boxing, aerobics, swimming and snorkelling, running, hang gliding, table tennis, drama, singing and guitar playing. I am not saying that I was good at these things, but I tried. Sometimes briefly.

5. Worst sleeping places

The strangest place I’ve ever slept was in a tree, across three branches over a lake during a fishing trip, in the darkness with dark water under. I slept OK for a few hours, then woke up confused, cold, insect bitten, clumsy of sleepiness and found the situation somewhat shocking (darkness, surrounded by nature-by-night sounds, hanging over black water surface). Can’t recommend.

The second strangest sleep was when I fell asleep floating on my back in the seawater pool during my early morning swims (not really a morning person). I woke up every time my feet sank after max. a minute or so (I think).

To prevent my feet from sinking I crossed my legs in stretched out position to keep them stiff in the surface, but the stiff crossed-leg position dissolved when I fell asleep. Then: feet sank, body tipped to vertical position. Doesn’t work!

7. Pointless global record

I’m the ‘global freak level’ record holder of an obscure little iPhone game named ‘Find Freak’… since 2010. It is a super simple ‘spot the missing details’ picture game with quite many pictures but not infinitely many, so if you play it long enough you’ll see repeat images and have a chance to memorise the errors. It seems no one else is as inanely stubborn as I was the day I decided to see how high up I could climb the ranks and ended as no. 1 with a score of 608,430 points (in one game).

That Was It.

I could easily have nominated 15 more even about the same themes if it didn’t take so damn long time to write the acceptance post. Note to the nominated blog authors: this VBA post is longer and more thorough than the average VBA post (as far as I can see). It isn’t necessary to be this thorough, most write just a few lines about why they nominate each blog. So please don’t panic!




19 responses to “Versatile Blogger Award”

  1. I am honoured by the nomination and appreciate the great effort you put into describing my blog and others. I’ll definitely be checking out the other nominees based on this!


  2. Thank you so much for including me in this amazing list! I am going to try and follow your example in my acceptance post, I can see you gave yourself plenty of time to be this thorough and if I do the same I can better do justice to the strengths of the blogs I’ve discovered so far that I’d like to recommend to my followers. Your descriptions of these 15 blogs are so intriguing I want to make time to explore each of them now, not just add them to the growing list of blogs I follow, and that’s a special gift to offer to your fellow bloggers to do such a good job of showcasing their writing strengths and pitching what for you is their most enjoyable content.

    I am really impressed with the way you’re using wordpress as a social network, because for me on-line social networking is hard to figure, even if blogging is a lot easier than feeling comfortable in a 3D crowd. Your explicitly systematic blogging strategies and concrete thinking patterns appeal to my aspie traits, of course, but beyond simple areas of common ground I really admire your strengths as a blogger and am looking at your blog as a role model. A lot of the blogs I follow are either activism/news alert oriented or creative career oriented, but I tire quickly of writing tips for people who want wordpress to launch their writing careers, and for myself I would rather work on making my blog more interactive with a core group of social contacts than trying to get a large number of followers. It bothers me that so many people who don’t have plans to sell anything off their blogs get hung up on the numbers instead of the interactions, it’s surprisingly hard to interest people with common interests who have taken the time to share their thoughts in a substantive conversation about what they said. But hopefully I will get the hang of it eventually, both finding bloggers who are looking for conversation in my conversation style, and learning how to make overtures to them that work.


    1. Wow, thank you very much for your compliments! I feel very honoured about what you’r saying about me as a blogger.

      I hadn’t thought that I was using WordPress as a social network… but I guess you are right! I hadn’t thought, either, about having explicitly systematic blogging strategies, but I guess that you are right about that too! I do tend to be thoroughly systematical in the things I do (either that, or totally disorganised and reactive:-).

      I get you with the stats-obsession. I think it is an extremely common blogger-disorder, and although I know that the quantity of hits is relatively irrelevant to the important stuff (what people get out of reading posts, and how interactive they are – there is no way to measure that) I do suffer a degree of stats-obsession myself. I just can’t help it. I think WordPress should offer a ‘Anonymous Stats-Addicts’ support group for bloggers (online of course, and with the option to generate backlinks to the participants’ blogs to increase their hits… just kidding).

      I’ll come back to this… Need to take the doggies out for their walk now, they have started to cry outside the office door.


    2. I am looking forward to read your list! (at some time in 2012, maybe 2013… if my own lead time is anything to go by;-)

      I got heaps out of the VBA works in terms of reading blogs more in-depth that I am following and put into words why they are good to read. I just realised that it will also be very interesting to read the lists of the nominated bloggers (who choose to pass it on) – They are people whose writing style I like, so I may like what they like to read too:-) In terms of blogging as social network, I guess the blogosphere tagging games like the VBA do strengthen the connectivity. I know it has strengthened mine:-)

      But hopefully I will get the hang of it eventually, both finding bloggers who are looking for conversation in my conversation style, and learning how to make overtures to them that work.

      Your overtures to me certainly work very well:-) I like to discuss with you in the comments because you are topic-oriented, add relevant new angles, and have a logical and well orientated thinking style (you know a lot).

      Your blog is still very young… one of the youngest I nominated:-) It takes time to grow online networks. I wasn’t deliberately trying to develop anything in particular (and I don’t think there is a network as such… just people I interact with some sort of regularity… but I guess that is a network?)

      There are a range of little things that can be done to help a bit on connectivity. One is a blogroll… useful to your readers because it let them find more blogs they may like (since they like your blog and/or its theme). It also helps to position your blog in the blogosphere both in regard to your theme and the blogs you choose to link to, which is a help for your readers too. Obviously it also helps the blogs you link to, by potentially sending relevant traffic their way (I guesstimate that at least 70% of the traffic I received from Google searches is irrelevant traffic… they just wanted an image or were looking for something else).

      I haven’t got a blogroll … but I consider it, especially since I have noticed that other blogs link to me.

      Another is what you already do, engage in discussions on blogs you like. It also help others to position your blog theme-wise and in relation to which bloggers you communicate with.

      A third one is to take inspiration in what other bloggers write and quote them in your post when you reflect about the topic that they inspired you to write about. That helps your readers to find more information about a topic that interest them (since they read your post) and to find more blogs that may be of their liking, and it helps the bloggers you quoted to connect to a relevant audience.


    3. Oi…. My comments are way too long… Sorry I just can’t help it when I start writing. It takes 10x as long time to write comments when I try hard to minimise the volume. I was too busy to write a short comment:-)


  3. This is wonderful, Mados! Thank you, I really appreciate it. The amount of effort that goes to each of your post is truly remarkable.

    I haven’t been very active because of work but I am glad that there are still people who enjoy what I churn out once in a while. Also, yes, I have decided to mix long posts with tumblr style entries once in a while to keep things interesting.

    I’ll try to get my photos up again! 🙂


    1. Sounds great:-) and thank you.


  4. Heather Holbrook Avatar
    Heather Holbrook

    Congratulations! I’m definitely going to have to check out some of the blogs you recommended. Also, it’s not surprising that your VBA is longer and more detailed than most. You are an Aspie, after all:)


    1. Thanks for your comment Heather! I am more than happy if I can connect great readers and great blogs! I hope some of the nominated bloggers will pass it on (eventually), because I’m looking forward to read their nominations. I suspect there’ll be quite a lot of blogs I know on them.

      Ps. I have never said that I’m an aspie … I’ve got considerations regarding that question but I’m still confused about the whole normal VS different dichotomy and don’t claim to be anything in particular.


  5. […] second Versatile Blogger Award was put up yesterday. Mados was one of my very first readers. Mados is a fantastic writer, who […]


  6. Aspergirl Maybe Avatar
    Aspergirl Maybe

    Thank you, not only for the nomination/award, but also for this incredible post. I truly enjoyed the opportunity to have several new-to-me blogs introduced by someone who is already a fan. I can tell that it took a lot of work, and it is greatly appreciated.

    I hope to pass on the award but won’t commit to a specific time frame as I have learned that always ends up stressing me out. My blogging frequency has become quite unpredictable and I am finally at a point where I’m not being self-critical about that fact, but accepting there are times when the posts flow and times when they don’t.

    Thank you again!


    1. Thank you for your reply! and you are welcome.

      There is, of course, no time frame! I am very happy that some say they will, at some stage, pass it on, because I look forward to read the new nominations. It took me over half a year to get started, but now after I’ve finished the post I think that the real reward from the award was in writing the VBA post… a great opportunity to (try to) focus on other’s perspectives, reflect over why some blogs are great to read, share some great blogs with more people, help boost blogosphere interactivity/connectivity e.t.c… and it was fun (and hard), after all.

      I think you’re having a healthy attitude to your blogging… I also think that you’ve pretty much done what you set out to do with your blog, so any new posts you write are a bonus/extra:-)


  7. I almost forgot about the Versatile Blogger Award! I’m so glad you decided to take part, regardless of time. I appreciate the thoroughness in which you shared your favorites with us. Now, I have to make it a point to visit each one.


    1. Thanks for your feedback Shelley.


  8. Ah! Mados!

    I am working on a proper thank you to express my appreciation for you. I am so delighted by the honor. Your write ups were fantastic. I appreciate the time and work you put in to showcase each author.

    I have new blogs to follow and read, but best of all, I have you to read me. I enjoy your thoughtful comments and discourse.

    Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting and thank you for sharing me with the world! 🙂

    Lori D.


    1. Thank you very much for your sweet response! That is a lovely expression of appreciation. And thank you for writing your blog as well! Always a great read. and thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I always enjoy reading and replying to your comments.


    2. Ps. Did you see that E from the Third Glance nominated you too? So you got 2 VBAs almost at once:-)


      1. ! WOW ! Thank you! I am a bit scattered with scholl starting up, etc. I shall give copious thanks to all! 🙂


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