Tag: autism diagnosis in adulthood

Letter to young me

with random flashbacks I know you feel broken and lost. I remember it. You feel like there’s something wrong with you, an invisible brokenness, and while you can forget about it when you are alone, when you’re around others it becomes painfully obvious. People sense … Continue reading Letter to young me

Telling my family about Asperger syndrome

My maternal family tends to adhere to a “blank slate” type of psychological paradigm (and so did I, earlier on), take it for granted actually: that any person is born with a blank mind, and develops according to what is filled into it.


Following that logic then social problems are always rooted in bad childhood experiences: people develops in a bad direction when bad things have been filled into them, and good when good things have been filled into them. It can be a very guilt-inducing paradigm when something goes wrong.

Aspergers and autism implies that social challenges can be mentally “pre-programmed”, and I didn’t think that would sit well in my family’s world view.
